My Puppy Tigger

My Puppy Tigger
This was his tux for my sisters wedding

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Riding dirty

I forgot to mention in my last post that i got caught speeding yesturday in a school zone. Going 37 mph in a 20 is a pretty big ticket. The ticket was $170 and it just ruined my day. My dad is now going to take me off of his insurance so im going to have to pay a lot because this is my third ticket. Hate getting pulled over it takes to long and its to expensive ha i guess if i just slowed down it would save me time and money but thats the smart way of thinking. I however like to make my life difficult so i get caught riding dirty! haha

They see me rolling they hateinnnn hahaha
The picture is not really me....just thought it was funny!


Halloween is this weekend and i can't wait to dress up! My boyfriend is going to be a cheerleader and i am going to be a football player. We are going to a birthday/halloween party which should be really fun. I would hate if my birthday was on halloween because everyone is usually busy and it's like having to share your birthday with someone else.
Fall is such a great time of year because i love being able to still do things outside. It's not to cold and not to warm so a sweatshirt is perfect at this time of year. Sunday night i went to the scream fest at Canobie lake park and the cool party about it was a lot of the rides were still open. I didn't have a chance to go this summer so it was great to include both in one, rides and haunted houses. There were only a few haunted houses so we mainly just went on rides. Fall is great but i love the snow! Can't wait to go skiing and build snowmen! Im such a little kid at heart.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A little bit of this a little bit of that

School has got me going crazy. I have 3 accelerated classes so i feel like i always have something due. When i think i am getting ahead another paper is due or there's a test. Can't wait for november to come so those 3 classes can finally be over with! On a brighter note it's getting colder and colder out. I like the cold at frist but by the time january hits im done with it lol Snow is fun for a while but then it starts to get dirty and the fun goes away. Can't wait for Christimas!

My four year anniversary with my boyfriend is today. I can't believe how fast time has gone by!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Work was so annoying yesturday! Im a waitress and it's not a bad job but the people i get sometimes blow my mind.. If you don't know how to tip then don't go out to eat its plain and simple. We only make $2.63 an hour which is nothing! I never get a check and if i do its maybe 5 bucks if im lucky. I depend on those tips and people don't realize that. There should really be something a class to teach people how to tip haha

test post

Alison silva test
